Saturday, January 22, 2022
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Published: Making plans after a couple of uncertain years
Friday, December 31, 2021
An update for December 2021
The posts are getting fewer and further between, I know. I only decided to post something today because, with all the usual expectations of New Year’s resolutions, it’s normal to feel ready and eager to get back to starting fresh.
For a while now, I’ve accepted that I’m just not who I used to be and I’m growing and changing into this mother role and the wishy-washy “goals” that I never reach, should just be scrapped from the table. I don’t have time anymore to go, “Well, I’d like to write 50k words but I’ll settle for 10k.”
What I’m focusing on, or plan to, in 2022 is just doing things for me when I can. It occurred to me yesterday that I was letting the schedule of parenting beat me and I wasn’t fighting hard enough for my own space. Now, this is not something to take lightly because parenting a toddler is tough work. There isn’t a moment’s rest when you’re on duty (literally, sitting down it out of the question) so I give myself complete slack because I’m working on a new level of self-awareness.
So, with that said, here’s what I’d like to accomplish, set my sights on, work at, whatever you want to call it, for next year:
* Be a good mom (that’s a given) * Stick to my SlimmingWorld plan (and go to meetings) * Eat less meat (more vegetarian options) * Take more walks
There were more things I was going to add but I’m sort of at a loss regarding writing and reading plans. They never get accomplished so I’m not going to even entertain the idea that I’ll get a certain task finished.
Before I go, let me add that I detest WordPress’s block editor. Happy 2022, y’all!
Monday, November 29, 2021
An update for November 2021
Well,I missed a whole month and didn't update for October. At least not here, I didn't.
Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is upon us. I have done absolutely nothing other than look after Jack, which is fulfilling in itself and I stopped worrying about not being able to work on my book or doodle in my bullet journal. There just isn't time when you're chasing an almost 2 year old around. (And I do mean chase.)
I didn't do NaNoWriMo. I didn't finish the online business classes I signed up for. We haven't done any holidays. We've had a few days to ourselves (me and Steve, I mean) and the rest of the time has been the routine of the household and the keeping of things functioning as normal.
I did, however, update the Jack's Mum Podcast yesterday and I primarily update short entries at when I think of something quick to jot down. Other than that, I'll write something more in December maybe, but until then, I hope everyone is winding down 2021 well.
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
An update for September 2021

Yesterday was my 45th birthday, so I figured I should commemorate the day with an update.
Last week, Mister Pick and I spent a day for ourselves while Jack was at nursery. It was a glorious day so we walked across the Tyne, had breakfast at Quay Ingredient, visited Eldon Square, Grainger Market, and Stack. It was such a nice way to spend the day because we hadn't gone into town just to have a look around in a long time. (Not until before I was pregnant, that's for sure.)
I updated the podcast recently to mention what a hard time I was having with letting Jack stay at nursery for full days now. I was glad to have the time to ourselves, but the guilty of being at work made me feel that I loved money just that little bit more than my own child. But I am going to work part time again and just trying to keep my chin up and hope that nursery is helping Jack with his development as people keep telling me. (He has a lovely nursery and a great key worker, so I know he's in kind, capable hands. I just miss him during the day, which I'm assuming is extremely normal.)
Other than my mummy updates, I'm still working on my Team Leader class at work and that, hopefully, will be done by the end of the year. I've also decided to do some business classes online, just to give myself plenty of credentials on my resume. It's funny to think that as much as I hated school when I was young, I still keep wanting to be in education in my 40s.
Writing wise, I've still been slowly working on the first in my young adult romance series. Bullet journal wise has been slow as well, but I did purchase a new notebook for my birthday which is made with kraft paper rather than regular 160 gsm dotted paper. (I'm actually really excited about this one.)
Travel wise, we've been to Stephenson Railway, Lightwater Valley, East Grange Farm for the sunflower trail, and the Art Adventures summer term sessions. I'm so grateful that we can go places as a family after a long time of not being able to do anything outside of the house.
For October, we have Halloween, pick your own pumpkins, and continuing autumn term toddler classes to look forward to. I'm excited for the falling leaves, the crisp air, and the anticipation for Christmas that's less than 100 days away.